
While awaiting the patch.... - New movie by me: "High noon, Low chase"

Posted By: Freycinet

While awaiting the patch.... - New movie by me: "High noon, Low chase" - 04/19/12 11:59 PM

Hi all,

CoD is an amazing sim, patch or not, so while we wait, here is a little video from an online session I had recently...

- Some of the most exciting flying in this sim is when you do a low-level chase, weaving in and out, and even passing between factory chimneys from time to time. It really is white-knuckle time and great fun, especially when flying against a real live opponent.

Don't know who this Bf 109-pilot was, but here's a belated Salute! - As for his mates that I met later on: damn' you cold-blooded killers! wink

Hope you like this vid, comments very welcome!

- Freycinet
Posted By: KRT_Bong

Re: While awaiting the patch.... - New movie by me: "High noon, Low chase" - 04/20/12 12:40 AM

I like your videos Frey, but I really wish we could get a small +, instead of that white arrow. It would look so much better.
Posted By: FearlessFrog

Re: While awaiting the patch.... - New movie by me: "High noon, Low chase" - 04/20/12 12:44 AM

Very good video Frey - I was swaying my head, trying to make you lead that target, so that's a good sign smile
Posted By: Freycinet

Re: While awaiting the patch.... - New movie by me: "High noon, Low chase" - 04/20/12 12:58 AM

Originally Posted By: KRT_Bong
I like your videos Frey, but I really wish we could get a small +, instead of that white arrow. It would look so much better.

I agree. The cursor is jarring but also shows what I am fiddling around with.

Notice that I know dick about I chose to forego any sort of editing for artistic reasons... wink

My vids don't get any prizes for polish, that's for sure. My main aim with them is just to show the gaming experience: wysiwyg...
Posted By: Freycinet

Re: While awaiting the patch.... - New movie by me: "High noon, Low chase" - 04/20/12 01:00 AM

Originally Posted By: FearlessFrog
Very good video Frey - I was swaying my head, trying to make you lead that target, so that's a good sign smile

I thought I was leading just the right amount, but hey, I go by feel more than anything else, so 90 percent of my bullets are probably passing ten feet behind his tail...
Posted By: Freycinet

Re: While awaiting the patch.... - New movie by me: "High noon, Low chase" - 04/20/12 02:05 AM

Wauw, I just passed 200,000 views on my videos. That's pretty mindblowing...
Posted By: wheelsup_cavu

Re: While awaiting the patch.... - New movie by me: "High noon, Low chase" - 04/20/12 05:14 AM

Originally Posted By: Freycinet
Wauw, I just passed 200,000 views on my videos. That's pretty mindblowing...

Congratulations Frey, that is pretty impressive. thumbsup

Posted By: FearlessFrog

Re: While awaiting the patch.... - New movie by me: "High noon, Low chase" - 04/20/12 05:36 AM

Originally Posted By: Freycinet
Originally Posted By: FearlessFrog
Very good video Frey - I was swaying my head, trying to make you lead that target, so that's a good sign smile

I thought I was leading just the right amount, but hey, I go by feel more than anything else, so 90 percent of my bullets are probably passing ten feet behind his tail...

Didn't mean it as a criticism, just meant they are involving videos - which is good smile
Posted By: Freycinet

Re: While awaiting the patch.... - New movie by me: "High noon, Low chase" - 04/20/12 10:01 PM

No sweat FF, I didn't take it like that. Great to hear that the vid is involving!
Posted By: cheesehawk

Re: While awaiting the patch.... - New movie by me: "High noon, Low chase" - 04/21/12 09:18 AM

Nice vid, but if I might say so, you have got to learn to fly while looking behind you!

I try to practice flying low, over towns while strictly looking out the back, or rear quarters. You'll love how much easier it is to dodge high-speed passes on your 6 that way. I'm also thinking, when you check your six, check up too!
Posted By: HeinKill

Re: While awaiting the patch.... - New movie by me: "High noon, Low chase" - 04/21/12 10:29 AM

Enjoyed that. You illustrated well the dangers of the rhubarbs that followed BoB where flights of RAF fighters were sent over to France to keep pressure on Germany, but then faced the same probs getting back over 'the ditch' that Luftwaffe pilots faced during BoB. Senseless waste of pilots throughout 1941 at a rate of at least 3:1 that achieved little.

Posted By: cheesehawk

Re: While awaiting the patch.... - New movie by me: "High noon, Low chase" - 04/21/12 04:09 PM

Not exactly senseless, it did tie up LW resources that might have been better used on the Ostfront. (Remember there was a lot of political pressure for the western allies to do something! Plus, every 1 LW pilot they did knock out was one less experienced pilot they had to face later when the bombing campaign took a serious turn.
Posted By: Freycinet

Re: While awaiting the patch.... - New movie by me: "High noon, Low chase" - 04/21/12 05:06 PM

I guess it happens to all air forces on the offensive: more losses than the defenders, also because the attackers bailing out end up in captivity. The same happened in WWI on the Western front.

Certainly the Rhubarb raids didn't accomplish any immediate tactical or strategic objectives, but I agree that they weren't senseless. Lots of things in war is done without accomplishing immediate objectives, but in the end they contribute to wear the enemy down or make him spread out his forces too thinly...
Posted By: HeinKill

Re: While awaiting the patch.... - New movie by me: "High noon, Low chase" - 04/22/12 08:21 AM

Not my words, just paraphrasing historian Patrick Bishop, "Al Deere later described them (rhubarbs) as 'useless and hated'. At best they 'served only as a means of letting off steam in that they enabled pilots to fire their guns in anger, more often than not against some unidentified target.' Deere confessed that on the rhubarbs in which he was engaged he could not 'truthfully say that the vehicles and the train which I attacked were strictly military targets.'

Jan to June, prior to Barbarossa, the RAF lost 51 pilots, the Luftwaffe 20. As you point out the offensive was stepped up after the invasion of Russia, and July to Dec the RAF lost 411 aircraft and destroyed only 154.

"...nor could the Russians be said to have benefitted. The activity persuaded the Luftwaffe to keep a force of fighters in France and the low countries. But it consisted at any time of about 260 single engine aircraft which would have had little effect on the fortunes of the the war in the east".

Posted By: Freycinet

Re: While awaiting the patch.... - New movie by me: "High noon, Low chase" - 04/22/12 11:06 AM

Al Deere would certainly have hated them, it was his skin (and that of his pilot colleagues) on the line.

260 fighters could well have made a difference on the Eastern Front, given how close-run a thing the Battle of Moscow was... - Anyway, those losses would either have been 400 RAF pilots or 400 Soviet pilots, and I'm sure the RAF pilots took more Germans with them than the Russians would have done at that period.

Then there is the whole question of AAA, where the RAF surely tied up a lot in France and Germany. AFAIK the German 88mm guns were interchangeable as FlaK or Artillery (or was that only later in the war?) so all those guns would have made a big difference. Certainly the Russians thought so, as they were constantly pining for a second front...
Posted By: Freycinet

Re: While awaiting the patch.... - New movie by me: "High noon, Low chase" - 04/27/12 01:30 PM

Proud to announce 500+ subscribers on my youtube channel... smile

Getting a bit over 1000 views on my CoD movies per day, so there must be some interest out there... - Seems from the comments I get that a lot are watching the vids until they can get the hardware to run it one day. I remember doing the same for Il-2 Classic in its day, 10 years ago... Only back then it took half an hour to download a five minute movie.

It is getting to be a bit of a chore to approve every comment, so I am thinking that I might make commenting free. Do anybody have any experience as to whether that would be a really bad idea? There aren't that many really inane spamming comments, but maybe they'd pick up if people can post freely... - Well, I'll just have to see I guess.
Posted By: cheesehawk

Re: While awaiting the patch.... - New movie by me: "High noon, Low chase" - 04/27/12 02:44 PM

Originally Posted By: Freycinet

It is getting to be a bit of a chore to approve every comment, so I am thinking that I might make commenting free. Do anybody have any experience as to whether that would be a really bad idea? There aren't that many really inane spamming comments, but maybe they'd pick up if people can post freely... - Well, I'll just have to see I guess.

All its going to do is take your first Pro-Nazi vs Jewish nationalist to tangle, and you'll see crazy crazy hate in your comments. Most things dealing with the WW2 era attract both like flies. I'd personally be careful opening up the comments, hate to ruin what's a great channel for us flight simmers, with a Youtube ban, or even just constant hate-filled trolling.

That stuff makes the 1c forums look like kindergarten play.
Posted By: Freycinet

Re: While awaiting the patch.... - New movie by me: "High noon, Low chase" - 04/27/12 04:33 PM

Hmmmm, yeah, I guess you are right... There are a lot of insipid comments, that's true... And worse.
Posted By: cheesehawk

Re: While awaiting the patch.... - New movie by me: "High noon, Low chase" - 04/27/12 06:29 PM

Ya, I'd really hate for idiots to ruin your great channel, keep up the excellent work! smile
Posted By: Freycinet

Re: While awaiting the patch.... - New movie by me: "High noon, Low chase" - 04/27/12 09:58 PM

Ah, just realised I can actually delete postings by visitors to my channel. Maybe I'll go down that road...
Posted By: BeachAV8R

Re: While awaiting the patch.... - New movie by me: "High noon, Low chase" - 05/01/12 07:30 AM

That's a great video. I couldn't believe it when that guy split between the stacks on that factory.

First real video I've watched of CoD (WW2 not my cup o' tea).. Those wave graphics are awesome.. smile

Nice job..
Posted By: Freycinet

Re: While awaiting the patch.... - New movie by me: "High noon, Low chase" - 05/01/12 05:16 PM

Glad you liked the vid Beach! - I have done quite a lot, as you can see on my site (in sig). The ones I put the most work into by far are the tutorial vids (Spit and Bf109). I'd love for you to have a look at one of those and tell me what you think.

I've just discovered a whole new dimension to online flying in CoD, so there will be some pretty different videos coming out soon. Much more immersive IMHO. It is amazing what the community has come up with!
Posted By: BeachAV8R

Re: While awaiting the patch.... - New movie by me: "High noon, Low chase" - 05/03/12 06:33 PM

Originally Posted By: Freycinet
The ones I put the most work into by far are the tutorial vids (Spit and Bf109). I'd love for you to have a look at one of those and tell me what you think.

I'll check them out..!
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