The Career and a Patrol
What year you start your career will decide what flotillas, type of boat and what port you will start at. Careers starting dates are 1939 through 1943.
Having decided which year and which flotilla, you are then taken to your office. From here you perform the various tasks required of a commander, such as manage the crew, upgrading of your U-Boat, view your career to date (might want to wait till after your first patrol for this one) and head out on a patrol.
Your Career Begins.
You cannot have multiple concurrent careers under the same name. That is, every time you start a new career under your chosen name, such as ‘Teddy Bär’ it will overwrite the existing one. So to have multiple concurrent careers you have to use ‘Teddy Bär’ and ‘Teddy Bär 1’ or ‘Teddy’ etc.
There is no Hall of Fame. Therefore, you cannot see your top careers unless you use different names and do not re-use those names after either you have retired your Captain or he has gone on an eternal patrol. This is one of those ‘what were they thinking?’ things that begs to be corrected in an upcoming patch.
Once you have chosen to go on a mission, i.e. a patrol, you are shown a screen with your patrol grid, start and return base. It is here that you change the realism settings.
Now the realism settings also have some ‘what were they thinking’ characteristics. That is, if you start a career and during the patrol you save and exit and then decide to do a single mission (or start another career) and decide to change the realism settings, next time you restart the original career, the realism settings will not be the ones that you started it with but those from the last single mission.
Silent Hunter III’s many realism options allow you to select what settings suit you. Allowing you to play the Silent Hunter III the way that you want. Maybe you are newbie to u-boat simulations or you want to enjoy the experience without the technical stuff or an old salt like me who wants no help. Which ever category you fit into, you will be able to set the realism options to suit.