Hello EnjoyR!

First of all a big THUMBS UP! for your work and your explanations. For all of us users of DGen campaigns off-line, and also for their authors and developers, I do believe that your work is an essential complement, and we should be all grateful to you for these patches, not only users but also authors and developers, because these patches greatly enhance the value of all their works and/or offerings, besides presenting a gorgeous choice and variety of dynamic campaigns to enjoy, especially for the players like me who like to fly offline.

I did install your patches A & B on a combination of BOE+OSTFRONT+TLD. The way I did it was first to create a new DGen folder with only the original files from 1946, then add to this folder the relevant DGen files and sub-folders from BOE, Ostfront and TLD (patched to versions 1.1 for the last two add-ons). Then I installed the DGen files and sub-folders I got from your patches, installed in the right order (A first, B after). I then used this new Dgen folder, including all three add-ons and your patches, in my game by applying it with the Jonesoft Generic Mod Enabler (with no other MOD enabled in my game, therefore it was like applying the whole package on a clean 1946 DGen folder).

Then I have a couple of questions: did I do it correctly? Is there any order to follow to install BOE, OSTFRONT and TLD? Also I switched from French language to English language (setting in conf.ini), and then I lost all the campaigns I had started, i.e. the campaigns.ini file in my pilot's folder within the users folder got replaced by a brand new standard one. It was OK to restore it after because I had a backup, but only in French language; is that normal?.

I then tested the result and faced a couple of issues:

1) I could not start any German fighter pilot campaign from the South sector (campaignsDeF), i.e. not only the Crimean ones, but I could not access any of the campaigns within this series (when clicking start to generate one, I come back to the game main menu).

2) I am a fan of Pacific air combat, and looked at what happened in the Pacific. I noted that basically everything was OK to generate new campaigns or continue previous ones (USAAF, USN, USMC, RN, RAAF, RNZF, IJA), but not with the IJN campaigns: first of all it seems that some are missing. In your read-me, it seems that both standard DGen carrier based Japanese campaigns and True Pacific carrier based Japanese campaigns are available, but apparently only the True Pacific ones are there. The standard DGen IJN campaigns seem to be overwritten? In particular, there is no campaignsIN5, campaignsIN6, and campaignsIN8 .dat files in your patches. I checked that several times after installing your patches from several combinations in a test folder on my desktop. The absence of those files makes it of course impossible to access the relevant campaigns, which are reffered to in the read-me. Did I do anything wrong? Are these files required or simply dropped out? I also experimented by putting the standard DGen campaignsIN1 and campaignsIN2 files in the DGen folder, to see if I could start the original Japanese carrier campaigns, but it did not work, so I came back to the True Pacific versions from your patch...So maybe in that case renaming the files will change nothing, and only the TruePacific ones can work?

3) I then attempted to generate new IJN campaigns. It seems that 3 are OK (Rufe, Betty, land-based fighter), but I could not generate any campaign for a carrier-based fighter (return to main game menu). Also for the carrier-based bomber (D3A), I could not generate the Eastern Solomons campaign, and I could not generate the Santacruz campaign: in those two cases, I click generate and nothing happens. On the other hand I could generate the listed campaigns for Midway, Wake, Hawaii, Marianas. In other words, I got problems with campaignsIN1 (nothing available) and campaignsIN2 (partly OK).

So at this stage I wonder what went wrong. It is no big deal because there are so many other campaigns I can now play with the same install, and only one big DGen add-on: GREAT!

However, I wonder whether there are any conflicts between all these add-ons, maybe not only between file names, but also due to some other files being overwritten between the various free and commercial add-ons (.DB files or others?).

I am curious to know whether others experienced the same issues, or whether I am the only one (in that case what went wrong with me and my game?), or whether there is anything to be improved to enhance further the compatibility of all add-ons.

Anyway, thanks very much for your help, much appreciated.

Happly Flying,


PS: I use DGen.exe version