Yes, I think behavior or mechanical changes in the patch led to England taking Brittany's cores. It just has to be. Otherwise I would have seen it before I reckon smile

Steam says 'manage your 23 DLC' so I guess that's what I have as well. I don't know that it differentiates between unit packs, music, portraits and more meaty ones like expansions and immersion packs. Lots of ingredients in EU IV soup. I have all expansions aside from Dharma, and not sure what type that is.

One thing I do not like about the many changes is that territories now have a base autonomy of 90%. It was 75% before, and while that isn't a big increase, it means territories make almost no money. Overall though I really like what I see with the current state of the game.

No, now go away or I shall taunt you a second time!