Enemy Engaged 2 – Part 1 Page 12

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So you get the picture. If the base 3D model wasn’t improved, the added detail of the dirty and scuffed up skins really add a lot to the appearance of the models. Some of the changes went the wrong way; the aforementioned Blackhawk and Apache 3D models actually appear worse than in EECH, but overwhelmingly, overall the models are improved. The following screenshots are all from EE2 and represent some of the better 3D models and skin textures that permeate the game. Very well done by the G2 artists!

Enemy Engaged 2 Enemy Engaged 2
Enemy Engaged 2 Enemy Engaged 2
Enemy Engaged 2 Enemy Engaged 2
Enemy Engaged 2 Enemy Engaged 2

There are some other notable improvements in terms of things like smoke, fire, explosions and flares. While the modders made great strides with EECH there is a definite difference in how the new explosions are rendered (I’m guessing?) since they look much better.

Again, EECH images are on the left, EE2 images on the right.

Enemy Engaged 2 Enemy Engaged 2
Enemy Engaged 2 Enemy Engaged 2
Enemy Engaged 2 Enemy Engaged 2
Enemy Engaged 2 Enemy Engaged 2
Enemy Engaged 2 Enemy Engaged 2

In Part 2, we will look at Theatres, Gameplay, and the “Mood” of the Game.


Reviewer System Specs

  • Alienware Pentium 4, 3.4GHz
  • NVIDIA GeForce 6800 GT PCI Express 256MB
  • Saitek X52 Stick
  • CH Products Pro Pedals
  • NaturalPoint TrackIR4 PRO

Note: For illustrative purposes some of the images in this article were cropped or marked on in order to highlight certain aspects of the software. All images were captured at 1280 x 1024 and were reduced in size and quality for bandwidth purposes.


We want your Feedback. Please let us know what you thought of this article here.

If you missed any of the other reports in this review series,
you’ll find them here: Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4.


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